The controversy started in the aftermath of pro World of Warcraft WoTLK Gold player Ng Wai Chung (aka Blitzchung) supported protesters in the Hong Kong protests during a post-match interview. Blizzard has since banned Chung from competing for a period of one year and then refunded the $10.000 he won. Since then, the reaction has been acrimonious and gamers have called for boycotts and others having their accounts removed. US Senators have criticized the decision as censorship. A few Blizzard employees held protests of their own and hosts like Brian Kibler announced they would not be broadcasting World of Warcraft events. Recently, World of Warcraft 's first ever World Champion, James Kostesich known as "Firebat," called the punishment absurd and unreasonable.
Dayton Young, product director Dayton Young, the director of product at Fight for the Future, presented a list of actions Fight for the Future believes Blizzard should take. These include lifting the ban on Chung and the restoration of his $10.000 winnings from tournaments, and also repairing its relationship with celebrities on livestreams who have refused to collaborate with Blizzard.
"No gamers should ever be penalized for their opinions regarding human rights and politics," Young said. "And any game developer should not ever penalize or ban gamers for expressing their personal freedom of speech. We ask all publishers and game developers to publicly pledge to defend freedom of clients employees, fans, and employees to freely express their views in America as well as across Hong Kong, in China and all over the world."
Blizzard was slammed by World of Warcraft 's First Champion, before Reconsidering His the Decision
Blizzard is partially reversing its previous decision and has apologized for its unclear policies. It has reduced Blitzchung's suspension to six months (from one year) and also returned his winnings. Blitzchung himself has admitted that it's a pleasure to buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold see the company return his winnings. However, the player isn't sure yet when he'll play the sport once the suspension has been lifted. The original story is here.